Depression tops cause of 65 suicide cases

By December 3, 2019Headlines, News

DEPRESSION was identified as the leading cause of the 65 suicide cases in Pangasinan since January this year based on record from the Pangasinan Provincial Police Office here.

Of this number, 60 were men, while five were women.

Records show 60 percent committed suicide owing to depression, 17% by undetermined causes, 10% because of family problems, personal problems, and love life comprised 5% each, two percent due to sickness while 1% was due to bullying.

Fifty-two cases involved hanging as mode of suicide, five for poisoning, three each for gunshot and drowning and one each for slashing of wrist and jumping to a river.

Age groups affected and the number of cases are 13-19 with five, 20-39 with 16, 40-60 with 8 and 60 and above with 4. One to 12 age group had zero case.

A comparative data in 2018 showed that 85 of suicide cases involved male and 10 females.

The mode of suicide used was hanging (81), drowning (6), gunshot (4), stabbing his chest, slashing his neck using bladed weapon, poisoning and jumping into the river with one case each.

Age groups affected were 1-12 with three cases; 13-19 (5); 20-39 (16); 40-60 (15) and 60 and above (5).

In 2018, 55% of the cases were due to depression, 15 % because of family problems, 10% due to personal and love life affairs, 4% for undetermined causes and two due to sickness, bullying and financial concerns. (PhilStar Wire Service/ECV)

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